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    самые лучшие игры скачать
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    Former Brazilian soccer player Robinho arrested after failed appeal
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    Former Brazilian footballer Robson de Souza – also known as Robinho – was arrested by Federal Police on Thursday in Santos, in the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo, his lawyer told CNN affiliate CNN Brasil, as police cars were seen leaving his residence in Santos.

    The 40-year-old former AC Milan and Brazil striker faces nine years in prison after being convicted in Italy for gang raping a woman with five other men in 2013 after plying her with alcohol in a Milan nightclub.

    Robinho’s arrest comes as Brazil’s Supreme Court (STF) denied his appeal on Thursday to remain out of custody while all judicial appeals against his conviction are exhausted and ordered for the “immediate” start of his prison sentence, according to a statement from the STF.
    The footballer’s defense team had appealed to Brazilian authorities to allow Robinho to serve his jail time in Italy, rather than Brazil and to remain free while all appeal proceedings are ongoing, according to the STF decision.

    Robinho has always denied the charges.

    Following Thursday’s arrest Robinho is expected to face a custody hearing on Friday before being sent to a detention facility to being his prison sentence according to CNN Brasil.

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    Emily Ratajkowski’s latest flex? Divorce rings
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    Diamonds are forever – especially for Emily Ratajkowski, who has chosen to turn her engagement ring into something entirely new following her split from her film producer husband, Sebastian Bear-McClard.

    With the help of Alison Chemla, creative director of jewelry brand Alison Lou, Ratajkowski worked to remake her old engagement ring, which featured a pear-shaped and a princess-cut diamond, into two separate rings.
    “The rings represent my own personal evolution,” the model told Vogue. “I don’t think a woman should be stripped of her diamonds just because she’s losing a man.”

    Now, the pear-shaped diamond sits on Ratajkowski’s pinkie finger, while the princess cut has been flanked by more trapezoid stones and turned into a new sparkler.

    Ratajkowski went on to explain that she got the idea after reading Stephanie Danler’s story “The Unravelers” in The Paris Review.

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    Ещё можно узнать: <a href=http://yourdesires.ru/beauty-and-health/lifestyle/169-srochnye-analizy-ili-ponyatie-cito.html>что значит кровь на цито</a>

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    Специальное предложение по случаю скорого открытия летней навигации на Москве-реке - часовая прогулка на новой панорамной прогулочной яхте премиум-класса "Жемчужина", с борта которой открывается потрясающий вид на город и его достопримечательности. Вы отправитесь от самого центрального и одного из самых популярных причалов столицы, пройдете мимо Москворецкой набережной, Кремля, парка "Зарядье", уникального "парящего" моста и других знаменитых сооружений. На борту теплохода для Вас будет работать бар. Разместиться можно в просторном панорамном салоне на нижней палубе, а если позволит погода подняться на верхнюю палубу.

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